About Music Traveler

Technological Stack and Infrastructure

Flutter Mobile App

Developed for both iOS and Android, offering a seamless cross-platform experience.


Utilized for building a fast and scalable backend, ensuring efficient data handling.


 Integrated for secure cloud computing and storage, supporting high traffic and data loads.

Mix panel

Employed for analytics, allowing detailed tracking of user behavior and app performance.

Stream Player

Integrated for smooth and uninterrupted media playback within the app.

Essential App Highlights & Functions

Space Booking Easy booking of music spaces across multiple cities with just a few clicks.
Venue Variety Offers access to a diverse range of exclusive and unique music venues.
Cross-Platform Availability Accessible on both iOS and Android devices for a broad user base.
User-Friendly Interface Designed for a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Client Solutions & Challenges

Resulting Success & the Final Product