About National Bonds

National Bonds is a comprehensive app that provides seamless access to savings anytime, anywhere. Designed for convenience, it enables users to manage accounts, track profits, bonuses, and prizes with ease. Utilizing advanced technology, National Bonds offers a smooth and accessible interface, simplifying financial management. Users can effortlessly stay on top of their finances, making the app a valuable tool for efficient financial oversight and management.

Technological Stack and Infrastructure


Built with C# and Xamarin Framework, using MVVM for scalability.


Provides secure and efficient solutions for identity verification.


 Provides advanced data visualization and UI components.

UAE Pass

Facilitates seamless authentication and identity management.


 Used for real-time data synchronization and backend services.

Essential App Highlights & Functions

Account Management Easily manage and access your savings from anywhere.
Profit Tracking View and monitor profits with up-to-date information.
Bonus Monitoring Keep track of bonuses and rewards seamlessly.
Prize Management  Access and manage prize information effortlessly.
Real-Time Updates Receive real-time data synchronization with Firebase.

Client Solutions & Challenges

Resulting Success & the Final Product