About Pocketi App

Pocketi is a mobile application designed to streamline and manage mobile money transactions in one convenient location. It offers users the ability to invoice customers, accept payments, and track business sales seamlessly. Built by SubcoDevs, Pocketi serves as a secure and user-friendly solution that caters to individuals and businesses, providing unique mobile money experiences and essential business tools. Its intuitive interface and robust functionalities make it the smartest way to manage mobile money payments effectively, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both users and businesses.

Technological Stack and Infrastructure


Node.js ensures fast, secure, and efficient server-side processing.

Frontend Admin Panel

React.js provides a responsive, intuitive interface for administrators’ management.

Frontend User Panel

React.js enables a smooth, engaging experience for all users.

Mobile App

 React Native delivers consistent, native performance on all platforms.

3rd Party Integration

UniWallet offers seamless, convenient mobile money transaction capabilities.

Essential App Highlights & Functions

Unified Management Manage all transactions in one app.
Payment Processing Securely accept and process payments.
Sales Tracking Real-time sales tracking and analysis.
Secure Transactions Safe transactions with advanced security.
User-Friendly Intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Client Solutions & Challenges

The client required a comprehensive solution to manage mobile money transactions effectively and securely. They needed a platform that would facilitate invoicing, payment acceptance, and sales tracking while being easy to use for both individuals and businesses. Security was a top priority to protect sensitive financial data and build trust among users. SubcoDevs developed Pocketi to meet these needs, integrating advanced technologies and third-party services to create a robust app. The focus was on delivering a seamless, user-friendly experience that could cater to various financial management requirements, thus positioning Pocketi as a valuable tool for business and personal use.

Resulting Success & the Final Product