Top 10 Healthcare Apps That’ll Make Your Life Easier

The healthcare industry is booming, and there are more opportunities than ever that asks for involvement. As the demand for convenient and affordable healthcare services rises, so does the need for tech-savvy individuals who can jump in and assist with this growing trend. If you’re interested in entering the world of healthcare but aren’t sure where to begin, we have good news for you. The rise of mobile apps has made it easier than ever for anyone to launch their own side gig in the field. These apps not only make your life as a healthcare worker easier but also give you the opportunity to monetize your knowledge as an amateur by creating your own app and charging others to download it. Whether you want to become a remote nurse or just enhance your skills as an amateur coder, these top 10 healthcare apps will make your life easier while helping you boost your career in this exciting field.

ePatient Healthcare Apps

As a healthcare worker, you’ll come across a number of patients who are tech-savvy. These ePatients are technologically savvy and have a high level of knowledge of how technology can improve the healthcare industry. These are the types of patients who create these apps that ease the scheduling, payment, and treatment of patients. iHealthTap is an example of an ePatient app that makes it easier for health care workers to assist patients. The app allows health care workers to connect with patients via secure video conferencing and discuss their health concerns. It’s a quick and simple way to schedule appointments and take payments from patients.

Witty Health is another example of an ePatient app. This app makes it easier for patients to find the right healthcare professional for their needs. The app connects patients with healthcare professionals across a wide range of specializations including nutritionists, doctors, and psychologists. Some apps, such as HealthTap, provide patients with doctors who can answer their questions while they’re on the go. These ePatient apps make it easier than ever to access healthcare. If you want to make it easier for patients to access the healthcare they need, consider creating an ePatient app.

Medication Reconciliation

A big part of the nursing profession is ensuring that patients are taking the right medications at the right times. However, this is easier said than done. Patients often forget to take their medications or take them at the wrong times. This can pose a risk to their health if the doses are too high or low. Thankfully, there are apps that can make it easier for you to track a patient’s medication schedule. Medbox is an example of an app that provides a real-time medication tracking system.

The system allows patients to self-report their medication information, such as when they need to take the medication, how much they need to take, and any side effects they experience. Medication reconciliation apps make it easier for nurses to identify and solve any problems with patients’ medication regimens. If you want to make it easier to track a patient’s medication schedule, consider creating an app of your own.

Healthcare Provider Directory

You are probably familiar with the yellow pages. Well, they are yellow no longer, but they’ve also been replaced by technology. Now, there are apps that are dedicated to providing healthcare professionals details and services. These healthcare provider directories allow patients to search for the right healthcare provider based on their location and needs. HealthTap is an example of such an app. It allows patients to search for healthcare providers based on their symptoms and the type of healthcare they need. With a healthcare provider directory app, you can make it easier for patients to find the right healthcare professional for their needs. If you want to make it easier for patients to find healthcare services, consider creating an app for a healthcare provider directory.

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Apps

Electronic medical records are the norm in healthcare today. They are useful to track a patient’s history, symptoms, and medications. However, the process of creating a patient’s record can be time-consuming and tedious. To make the process easier, there are apps that are dedicated to creating a patient’s medical record. These apps are useful on computers and mobile devices and allow you to quickly and easily record a patient’s information. Some EMR apps allow you to record a patient’s health history and symptoms, as well as their medications. All of this information can be accessed by a patient’s next healthcare provider, making it easier to diagnose them. If you want to make it easier to record a patient’s medical information, consider creating an EMR app.

Remote Monitoring Apps

There are many patients who needs monitoring for a variety of reasons. Some may be too sick to leave the hospital while others may be unable to visit a doctor in person. In these instances, healthcare workers will want to monitor their patients remotely. This is where remote monitoring apps come into play. Remote monitoring apps allow healthcare workers to monitor a patient’s vitals and the medications they’re taking remotely. HealthTap is again the example of an app that allows you to monitor patients remotely. This app allows you to monitor a patient’s vital signs and medication intake remotely. Remote monitoring apps make it easier to monitor patients who are unable to visit their doctors in person. If you want to make it easier to monitor patients remotely, consider creating an app for remote monitoring.

Fitness Tracking Healthcare Apps

Health and fitness go hand in hand. If you’re a healthcare worker, you’ll probably work with a number of patients who are focused on improving their health through fitness. Fitness tracking apps allow you to track a patient’s fitness progress. One can integrate them with other apps, such as a patient’s medical record app. This allows you to track their fitness progress and record any health issues they may be experiencing. Some fitness tracking apps also allow you to connect with other users to form fitness groups and motivate one another to stay focused on their goals. If you want to make it easier to track a patient’s fitness progress, consider creating an app dedicated to fitness tracking.

Co-Located Patient Care App

Sometimes, patients are unable to visit their healthcare providers in person. They may be too sick to leave the house or may live in remote areas where healthcare services are scarce. In these situations, providers may want to visit their patients remotely via video conferencing. Remote video conferencing apps allow healthcare providers to visit patients remotely. They’re commonly useful when patients are too sick to leave their homes and need to visit a doctor. HealthTap is an example of an app that allows healthcare providers to visit patients remotely. This app allows providers to visit patients remotely and provide them with the care they need. Remote video conferencing apps make it easier for providers to provide care to their patients who can’t visit them in person. If you want to make it easier for providers to visit patients remotely, consider creating an app for co-located patient care.


By leveraging our custom-designed technology solutions, your healthcare organization can accentuate the experience of its patients and customers, boost business productivity, comply with evolving healthcare regulations and enable the delivery of cost-effective healthcare services for the patients.

Book your consultation now to offer next-level healthcare services to your patients and improve your organization’s bottom line!